How Do I Make a Video Call/When I scroll to the Video Calling page, I only see “Contacts” and “Invite?

    First, Video Calling works on Apple Watch Series 3 and higher. It performs optimally on Series 6 and higher.

    After successfully downloading the updated Wristcam App software (you will see this in the App Store on your iPhone), if needed, please pair your Wristcam to iPhone Bluetooth and complete the onboarding of accepting permissions to your iPhone.

    Please go to the Wristcam app Settings. Then scroll down to the Video Calling  section of the Wristcam App. You will see the Video Camera Icon.  Once there, click Sign in and make sure to use your Apple ID to register.


    Check out the how to make a call, connect with your contacts through the Wristcam App Newsfeed, which is the icon on the lower far left (you will see four panes/squares within the Wristcam iPhone companion app). At the bottom of the app are the Newsfeed, Video Calling, Gallery, & Settings icons.

    If your friends/family own a Wristcam- please ensure they also updated their software. If not, they may be able to receive your Wristcam video messages (if they created a Messenger account) but not a video call.

    If your family/friends do not have a Wristcam:

    1. Ensure they have an iPhone or iPad as this is currently compatible with iOS and not Android mobile phones (yet- we are working on this for the future).
    2. They will need to install the latest Wristcam software, go to Settings and Sign in to Video Calling to create an account. 

    Getting Started Tips:

    1. Sometimes it's easier to send a video message 1st to see your family/friends have received it.
    2. Enable Push Notifications from Wristcam Fully charge your Wristcam 2-3 hours before each use. Incoming Video Calls are received by a notification on your Apple Watch, rather than an audible ring.  Notifications will not present themselves on the Watch when you are not wearing it on your wrist. We strongly recommend that you allow permissions within your iPhone settings in order to be made aware of incoming calls.
    3. Configure the Apple Watch so the timeout is changed to 70 seconds instead of 15 seconds (settings) so the Apple Watch does not “go dark” during your call.
      1. You can change the time in Apple Watch Settings->Display & Brightness -> Wakeup duration ->70 Seconds.
    4. Once you answer the video call on one device - your Apple Watch or iPhone Wristcam app - the call must remain on that device; you can not change the platform of the call.
    5. For ideal performance, you need Apple Watch 6, SE, or 7.

    "When I scroll to the Video Calling page, I only see “Contacts” and “Invite.”" --> correct- this is the 1st step of getting into the video calling feature. 

    We did recently launch a software update where we placed the contacts up first for the calling feature based on consumer feedback so the below videos have not yet been updated to reflect that. We apologize for that of course. We added audio calling also to the calling feature. 

    1. If you have not yet invited any friends or family to the calling feature-select the "+" to start the add a contact process.  
    2. Then you will see you are recording a video message. Please create a short video message so they know it's coming from you. Tap on the Red recording dot to stop the video.
    3. Next you can share it with a contact by taping the icon with the arrow on the right side.
    4. You will next see, "Add Contact"- please tap on the small blue plus (+) icon.
    5. We have back arrows on the upper left side of the watch screen in case you ever need to go back and change something.
    6. Then you will see a microphone to speak the contact name (and it will bring it up), or click on the middle icon that looks like a head/profile image to bring up your full contact list (alphabetically) and scroll to the correct contact you wish, or last click on the keypad on the upper right icon to type in the full phone number (area code plus number). 
    7. Last you can Send or Cancel the video message (if you made any mistakes or just testing this out first).
    8. They will get the message so they can also install the Wristcam app. they too need to be signed into the calling feature in order for you both to communicate through the Wristcam app (through their iPhone and through your Watch or iPhone). 

    Please see below for all the Tips and how to we have on calling. 

    • Here is the same video which is on our YouTube channel,please click here
    • Here is a video on how to send a video message to your family/friends,please click here
    • To aid your family/friends who do not own a Wristcam, please have them viewthis video here

    Please ensure your family/friend (who does not own a Wristcam):

    1. Is using an iPhone. This is not yet compatible with Android mobile phones (e.g., Samsung).
    2. Has installed the recent version of the Wristcam App from the App Store. 
      1. We removed the Wristcam Messenger app as that is no longer needed (and that only works for sending video messages not for calling). If your family/friend prior installed this app, please ask them to delete it.
    3. They need to go to Settings in the Wristcam app > Settings > go to Video Calling and Sign In < create an account using their Apple ID.
    4. Then they need to stay signed into Video Calling (this should stay as Signed In after set up, but good to double check). 
    5. If they do not set up the Wristcam App for this feature (or accept your invite) then they will not get your call. 
    6. Both people need to use the Wristcam App Video Calling feature and be signed it- it does not work with Apple's FaceTime which is Apple's proprietary feature. 
      1. Think of this like other video calling apps like WhatsApp- everyone who wishes to communicate through the app needs to create an account and be signed in- it's the same with the Wristcam app. 

    Getting Started Tips:

    1. Sometimes it's easier to send a video message 1st to see your family/friends have received it.
    2. Enable Push Notifications from Wristcam Fully charge your Wristcam 3-4 hours before each use. Incoming Video Calls are received by a notification on your Apple Watch, rather than an audible ring.  Notifications will not present themselves on the Watch when you are not wearing it on your wrist. We strongly recommend that you allow permissions within your iPhone settings in order to be made aware of incoming calls.
    3. Configure the Apple Watch so the timeout is changed to 70 seconds instead of 15 seconds (settings) so the Apple Watch does not “go dark” during your call.
      1. You can change the time in Apple Watch Settings->Display & Brightness -> Wakeup duration ->70 Seconds.
    4. Once you answer the video call on one device - your Apple Watch or iPhone Wristcam app - the call must remain on that device; you can not change the platform of the call.
    5. For ideal performance, you need Apple Watch 6, SE, or 7.


    1. Please fully charge your Wristcam 3-4 hours before each use.
    2. Please check that you are on the latest Wristcam app firmware (check under the app Settings > Maintenance & Support > Check for Firmware update > CHECK FOR UPDATE > update as needed
    3. Please check you are on the latest Wristcam app software update as we continue to launch new versions with bug fixes and enhancements. Please visit the Apple App Store, search for Wristcam and click on that to see latest version > if needed click on Update which will update the software and should re-open your Wristcam app.
    4. If any issues with connecting to make a call, sound issues or call lagging, please try turning off your Wifi on your iPhone under it's Settings so you will be using your cellular data. That may resolve your issue. If not please submit a bug report.
    5. If that does not resolve your issue, please try uninstalling and reinstalling your Wristcam app. Please save any needed photos or videos before taking this step.

    How to make a video or audio call on Wristcam:

    1. Open the the Wristcam app preview on your Apple Watch.
    2. This will not yet show the video calling options- you are in the right section. Select or create a contact to make a call or video message with. 
    3. Select “Message” or “Video Call”.
      1. For Message, select a contact and the Apple Watch screen will change to a blue outlined screen with a red square stop button in the lower left corner.
        1. A countdown timer - 3,2,1 -  will appear prior to the Message recording beginning.
        2. Once recording, the blue outline will turn green, and will slowly move along the edge of the screen indicating the time left for you to record the message and progressing in color to red nearing the end of time to record.
        3. To stop recording at any time, tap the stop button.
        4. Your message will send automatically.
      2. For Video or Audio Call, select a contact and the call will immediately initiate
        1. If a video call: The Wristcam self-facing video camera will turn on.
        2. When the recipient accepts the call, the video and audio will connect.

    Should you encounter any major or minor issues we want to hear from you. Please submit a bug report, which can be found within the Settings section of the Wristcam App (and ensure your Wristcam is paired and your Wristcam app Preview is on in your watch face). Please include as many details as possible with the report.


    I am not seeing my full contact list when trying to make a video call/send a video message- is something wrong?

    No, while your contact list is there if you allowed access to it during video calling set up, you can find a contact after you make a video message or want to start a call. You may also check your iPhone app permissions by following the instructions in this Apple Support article- please click here

    • Here is a video on how to send a video message to your family/friends, please click here.
    • To aid your family/friends who do not own a Wristcam, please have them view this video here

    Other questions:

    • Is the video message selection a good way to invite people? Yes, we suggest adding your photo of yourself (headshot is a nice one) to your Video calling profile. So they will get the invite and know it is coming from someone they know.   
    • Does it link to download? Yes, they will have it open the Wristcam App and they can then sign into the Video Calling feature using their Apple ID. They also need to stay with it as, "Signed In."
    • Should I assume after the recipient gets connected they then show as a recipient choice in the Wristcam contacts? Yes, they will show as a recent recipient after you create a video message.

    Once you select someone- either from a recent showing contact list or you can search your full contact list by voice/audio by clicking on the microphone on the upper left side OR you can click on "+" and type in the full phone number (as listed in your iPhone contact list). Then you will locate your other contact as needed, select them and then be able to Send the message or Cancel it. 


    What Do I Need for Video Calling? Is This Using FaceTime?

    Our Video Calling feature works with the Original Edition and Limited Edition Wristcam. The video calling feature is our custom made feature and is not Apple's FaceTime (nor is it compatible with FaceTime). All users will need to sign in and create an account (for free) in the Wristcam app for this feature to work. Others just need to own an iPhone. Then they can call your Watch, or you can call them through the Watch (through the Wristcam app) using a Wifi network connection. 

    Wristcam is a band with a self-facing and an outward-facing duo camera for your Apple Watch. With Wristcam, you can take photos and videos with a tap of button.

    The Apple Watch is sold separately- Series 3 or higher is needed to work with the Wristcam. 

    My friend/family is not getting my video call, what can I do?

    First, please ensure they have an Apple iPhone as this is compatible currently only for iOS. We plan to offer Android (Samsung, etc.) compatibility in the future.
    Sometimes it is easier to first start by sending a video message to your friend or family member so you know they received it (and then you will know they added the Wristcam app and signed in under their account).  
    Once they get the video message then you know you can then try video calling with them.
    If you are noting any connection issue, please turn off the Wifi on your Apple Watch, under Settings (not on your iPhone). 
    You can also try uninstalling the Wristcam app and reinstalling it. 
    Please contact if you have more questions.

    Why Do I Need An Apple ID to Sign Into Video Calling/How to Create A Free Apple ID?

    Currently the only way to sign into Video Calling or Messaging is with an Apple ID. 

    To create a free Apple ID, please use this Apple link. 

    Where Do I (or My Friends/Family) Find The Video Calling feature?

    All you need to do is check your Wristcam settings to see if Video Calling is showing, if not please check on your iPhone > App Store and search for Wristcam to see if you need to update to the latest software with Video Calling.

    Once you are on the latest Wristcam updated software, under Settings you will see the Video Camera Icon.  Once there, click Sign in and make sure to use your Apple ID to register.

    Your friends or family also need to install the latest Wristcam app with Video Calling. Then they also need to sign in with their Apple ID and create their account. This app will only work with an iPhone or iPad.


    We plan to offer Android compatibility later. 






    How do I turn on/off or adjust my Wristcam Video Calling notifications?

    You may change your notifications (turn some on or off as desired) for the Wristcam under the Settings for your iPhone. Go to Settings > Notifications > Wristcam and adjust your notifications as needed. 

    I am not getting the phone code for the Wristcam Video Calling- help!

    We have some suggested troubleshooting for you to try, before contacting Support.

    1. BackGround Refresh: Please check if your iPhone Settings are showing as Disabled for Background Refresh. Your iPhone background refresh may not be set to both Wifi and Cellular (it may be Disabled or only with "Wifi" as selected). If that is the case, that is why you may not get the phone code. 
      1. If needed you can select Background Refresh to, "On" by selecting "Wi-Fi & Cellular Data." 
      2. Here is one helpful video we found on YouTube which shows how to check the background refresh on your iPhone: please click here.
      3. Apple also may have other information on background refresh on your iPhone model so please feel free to check out their Support or Community for assistance.
    2. Low Power Mode: Apple also notes, if your iPhone is in Low Power mode, the iPhone may lag and background refresh may not work- so please check that your iPhone is not in the Low Power mode when you seek the phone code for video calling. Please see this Apple Support article on Low Power mode by clicking here
    3. Apple Cellular Plan: If you have a different phone number for your Apple Watch versus your iPhone- please use the phone number tied to your iPhone when you are seeking the video calling phone code. 

    If you are still noting an issue, please contact Support to provide them your phone number and email tied to the calling sign in so they may assist you further. They may request your help to submit a bug report. 


    What is the maximum timeframe for the Video Message?

    The current video length can be up to 23 seconds. 

    Can I make a Video Call with a friend who uses an Android phone?

    No, currently the Wristcam video calling and video messages only work with iOS devices (iPhone, iPad).

    Friends or family using an Android phone (Samsung, etc.) will not be able to view it until we release the Android compatibility, we hope later this year.


    Stay tuned for updates!

    My friend does not have a Wristcam, how do I send them a Video Message or Call them?

    If they do not have a Wristcam, you may still call them and share video messages with them.

    They will need to download the Wristcam app, go to Settings and sign in to create a free profile. They need to stay signed in, but the app does not need to be open for them to receive a call or video message from you. 


    What is the Video Calling feature? Do you have a video on this?

    Wristcam Video Calling EARLY ACCESS  is available for every iOS user (Android coming soon) and allows calling and messaging from your watch to your friends and family who also are using an iPhone.  Please see below. 


    Please feel free to subscribe to our YouTube videos as we will continue to add more over time.